Friday, March 02, 2007

You came off a little creepy!

You know, people have been getting my blog by googling for the words "toucan skeleton".

This pleases me.

In other news, I'm back at uni this week. O-week was good fun as usual. I joined a lot of societies whose meetings I will never attend. Good stuff.

It has already become apparent that I've bitten off more than I chew, or even fit in my mouth really, in that I'm taking 5 units. While 4 is all they allow you to do. But the computer let me punch it in, so we'll see how that works out. If nobody sees me for weeks you'll know I've sequestered myself into study or have suffered a nervous breakdown.

The software-project unit that I'm taking is especially fearsome. They've yet to even tell us what company my group will be headed out to week-after-week. The whole thing's an organisational mess, as are most computing subjects at Macquarie, they didn't even tell us how to contact our other group members. It was implied that we should socially engineer this information from the student numbers and the addresses in the "TO:" line of the group emails.

It wouldnt've been easier to, I dunno, write a program to send out that information to us? You teach people to do that all day!

In any case, I'm just glad I'm on top of things at the moment. I was feeling a stupendous cold coming on the weekend before I went back. So I took enough to vitamin C tablets to protect my body from bullets, let alone disease. I've been gradually weaning myself off the tablets with orange Tic Tacs. Blogging was meant to take my mind off the fact I'm on my last Tic Tac. Alas.

The only reason I have time to post this is I left my 3 hour lecture 2 hours early. The air conditioning was on full blast and I wasn't ready for that kind of temperature. I had to go outside. Into the rain. Where it was warm.

You guys would tell me if Thursdays are "If you're random and you know it, talk to Tom" day, wouldn't you? To name a few from last week:

Guy on the train platform who kept offering me cigarettes? You came off a little creepy! Girl who sat down at a table with Emma and I at the bar, obviously not drunk enough to have any excuse to do so? You're totally uninteresting, back from whence you came! Random guy who approached me and said "you look as if you like metal" and had a 20 minute conversation with me about Nightwish? Full marks!

My feet hurt. Yesterday I wore thongs to uni. It's the done thing! You're meant to look like you don't care. And frankly, we don't, so that works out nicely.

But it turns out I had a practical in a laboratory that day. What does this mean, boys and girls who have felt the icy grip of OH&S at their neck before? Yes, enclosed footwear. So with five minutes until the prac begins I ran to Mac centre and procured a pair of very cheap (and the ladeez tell me: also quite ugly) shoes. I return to class in the nick of time for the practical advisor to tell us that "Enclosed shoes must normally be worn! But there is no practical today. Please sign your name and go."

Leaving me with a twitch in my face-punching hand and a new pair of shoes. Anyway, they're comfortable, I might go running in them or something. They're really springy. I don't know why you need to know that. But it doesn't make it any less true. (Words for this blog to live by.)

Quote's at the bottom today! Why, you ask? Why does it matter?

Tom: I bought myself a Macquarie t-shirt. I haven't decided whether it's cool or not.
Sophie: I was going to get a USyd one but it looked too "blah blah blah cheerleaders blah blah OMG".
Tom: Yeah, mine's in the exact font you're talking about.
Sophie: Just promise me you won't wear it to Macquarie. Everyone will take the time to be like, "Tom, WE KNOW."


Jess said...

She's right, y'know! I was against the whole buying a t-shirt thing from the start! But it's your money, and dignity.

I had the best nachos today. You were there. Just sayin'! You want comments or not!

Anonymous said...

I love your entries :)

Thanks Tom! See you round.

Anonymous said...

*seconds that, especially the vitamin C mention* :D

I think I'm getting over a cold I had a week ago still myself >_< I wrote it off as allergies, but alas, it's still here. *Will sleep lots this weekend*. Hope you're feeling 100% yourself :-)

Jess said...

Also, how do you KNOW people have been finding your blog by googling toucan skeleton? I just tried it. It was pretty mad to see you among all these biology websites and whatnot. But who do you know that said "I was looking for toucan skeletons the other day, and THERE YOU WERE!"?