Tom: This is just not cricket:
Jess: Oh man.
Watch it. Waaaatch it.
So, it's Australia Day and has been for 2 hours. I've been out for late night coffee with Jess and Maddie, 'cos it's been a while. And now I'm spazzing out.
So this entry comes of having absolutely nothing else to do. My torrents are slow and I think I just may have squeezed the last remaining video that's actually entertaining out of YouTube.
I haven't really done much since my last entry. I went to Jacqui's place with the intent to make cupcakes while watching R-rated movies, because we appreciate the contrast. But I was late, so we didn't do either. Yep, best blog ever. "Here's all the things I didn't do." I also didn't have an epic space-battle with the queen of the space-demons. So let's move on.
What we DID do was watch A Mighty Wind, which is a great movie. Once you realise how much of it is improvisation. Which may have coloured your judgement. So forget I said anything. See it. If you like it, see the latest one, For Your Consideration.
Which is exactly what we did today at the Dendy. Not as Mighty or Windy as the former, but still chuckleworthy.
I have to tell you about the cafe we went to. On the menu amongst the food and drink listings was a paragraph that read something like:
My name is [such and such] and I have a bike named Lucy.
As if this didn't make them awesome enough, the ambient music was YouTube stage recordings. And they had the restaraunt's mySpace written on the specials board. Not that I condone mySpace, but still!
I wholly recommend it but cannot remember it's name. Look for the.. big.. yellow one in Newtown.
For only the geeky-inclined: I spent yesterday learning how to use .NET functions. I think mySpace should probably be MySpace, but I can barely bring myself to type it. It feels wrong. In any event, Visual Basic auto-fixes your capitalisation of variable names now. That's just weird. Also, I guess I've been using too much... ANYTHING other than VB because it seems I can't deal with lines missing a semicolon anymore. I really need the closure!
PS. When you're watching the