Tuesday, July 18, 2006

This was supposed to be posted yesterday.

Ok, who wants to be linked to? I'm going to put back all the people I had on the last journal, and more! But if you have a blog and I don't know, shout at me.

Oh man, what an awesome day it's been. These holidays have been pretty superb as far as social events go. My throat is sore, I've been singing all day. There was karaoke.

But Pandora just keeps being awesomely random.

Heliopolis by Night
One thing I was sleeping, then I was taken high
Through the veil of darkness that is stretched across the sky
And though I could see nothing I heard a voice say this-
"Enter flight co-ordinates for Heliopolis"

A beautiful, unusual sight, Heliopolis by night
Bathed in golden shimmering light, Heliopolis by night

We sailed beyond the first hour to the place they called their home
Words could not describe to you the things that I was shown
And though I was so far away not one thing did I miss
Safe among my friends in golden Heliopolis

A beautiful, unusual sight, Heliopolis by night
Bathed in golden shimmering light, Heliopolis by night

A beautiful, unusual sight, Heliopolis by night
Everything will be alright, Heliopolis by night

Well, the reason why they took me was something I never learned
But my body lay there sleeping when I finally returned
The lover who I left behind awoke me with a kiss
And asked where I had been-I answered "Heliopolis"

Jen invited me to this DVD/games night thing the other day. I've been looking for one of those stupid quizzes just to answer that question they always have: "When was the last time you laughed so hard you thought you might puke"... or something along those lines.... I dunno. Point is, the search came to no avail, so I'm just going say: that was some funny crap.

Big ups for awesome uni people!

I'm not even sure what that means!

So, it seems that as time has passed my bedroom has become nerd headquarters.

That should not be there. Those are cards. They belong in a card game.

Also! I've decided my long hair's number is up! That number being, like, 3 on the buzzing-hair-cut-thingie. Mhmm. As I don't plan to cultivate flowing-lockiness again for many a year, I think I need photos of it. By some undefined hair-cut point next week.

I've seen Pirates2, it's awesome. I'm not feeling critic mode. So I'll just say it was more farsical. More humour but less... point. Captain Jack has more screentime and steals the show again but I was wary of his new morals.

Yes, uni results are out! No, I haven't checked! Because, I just don't feel like it!

Let's do things soon, everyone. Holidays are over after next week.

That's some MYRIAD shit, right there. Nothing uncommentable. We're going for more than zero this time around!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Think of an acronym, it can't express it

Yep. Well, what can I say? Not blog entries apparently!

But here we go again! Those who have subscribed with RSS will get a little surprise.

So there've been ups. There've been downs. Life's a rollercoaster and all that shite. I'm not going to rehash, but I will note the worst of it here: My dog, possibly the best animal in the world, passed away last monday. May she rest in peace.

So we'll pick up from this weekend. Well, in the wee hours of saturday I was still in the city because Kath had brought me along to see her friend's band play. The band we came to see weren't bad, but I was really impressed by the first band of the night. In my previous journal (defunct) I spoke about the Hungarian suicide song which was translated to become Gloomy Sunday, a slow, melodic song every eerie-voiced songstress worth her salt has sung. They did a punk version! OMG! Acronyms cannot express my delight! So cool! Well I was probly the only one who thought so. But you know me. Or alternatively, you didn't know me and now you're sort of getting the hang of me.

In conclusion, just cos you're punk-verging-on-emo doesn't make you unawesome. Far from it.

Another thing that amused me. When we arrived I surveyed the room, as you do if you don't want to: get lost, meet people you know (too slow on that front, chick from my Italian class turns out to be there) or generally get hit by flying objects. And there was a really lost looking bloke wandering around, he looked so out of place and anxious to either meet someone he knows or just bolt. Turns out he was the lead singer of one of the bands. You just don't know. You just don't know.

Stupidest story ever?

Shut up.

Emma was here yesterday. We were plotting and scheming. Ideas for future D&D campaigns. Wicked ideas. Mwahahaha!

Then we ate a lot of pizza.

Ooh. So, Jess (living it up in Perth; no Jess and no Chris make Tom something something) leant me a whole bunch of RPG's.

Temple of Elemental Evil is like a drug. I can't stop playing it. (This isn't to say drugs are a game. Drugs are still bad. But RPG's are so good.) Though it can never live up to Baldur's Gate.

SpellForce looked promising. Until recruiting workers involved putting a "Worker Rune" into a monument and waiting for one to be summoned. Give some dude a pickaxe for godsake- and voila. And don't get me started on "Aria", the glowing liquid to be harvested (in conjuction with an appropriate rune) to recruit a priest. DELETED! On the plus side, epic opening movie.

Sacred was similarly promising. There are some games where I just step back and go "hm. This is really well programmed." This is one of those games. It's a pity it's a complete knock-off of Diablo. At least Diablo was compelling. If you're going to do a knock-off, you've got to make it MORE, not A GREAT DEAL LESS, interesting. ...But in this one you can ride a horse! So, I might come back to it. Oh, I assume you eventually start fighting demons, but at the beginning you're defending yourself from theives. Which quickly becomes the mass slaughter of theives. It's a nice touch how you can CHOP THEIR LIMBS OFF and watch blood spray forth, puddling around their corpse. WHAT IS THAT?

I've yet to try Bard's Tale or Arcanum.

In other news. If you like Fall Out Boy or hate Fall Out Boy or generally like arbitrary things go here. There seems to be a serial number in that link so it might not work after a while. Who knows. (Thanks to Lucy for pointing my browser at this.)

Oh man, I remember journalling now. Yikes. Just out of curiosity, is "pointlesser" a word?